Mutable Instruments Plaits
Firmware 1.2 Cheat Sheet + more
This page provides information about the Mutable Instruments Plaits Eurorack Module, specifically focused on the Firmware 1.2 which was released at the end of 2022 as a parting gift from Mutable Instruments creator Emilie Gulet as they ceased operations of Mutable Instruments.
Here's a video overview of the Plaits Firmware 1.2 and the related Cheat Sheet!
Sound Recipes for GREEN MODELS on Plaits:
Sound Recipes for RED MODELS on Plaits:
Sound Recipes for ORANGE MODELS on Plaits:
Get the PDF version of this infographic
Get the full Spreadsheet of 100+ Sound recipes discovered & tracked in the above videos!
Mutable Instruments Information Links
Mutable Instruments Plaits (+ all modules) manuals, firmware & other important info archive
Plaits Firmware: direct link to archive page
Once you get the new firmware (link ^^), try the chrome-based Plaits preset loader
Old Mutable Instruments Forum (read-only mode, likely to be shuttered soon - firmware post removed)
Article on the shutdown of Mutable Instruments on
Follow my #Jamuary2023 posts on YouTube - loads of #plaits inspiration, incl "Seven Plaits Spinning" patch
After falling in love with the new Plaits firmware 1.2 - I was inspired to try Plaits modules as my only sound source - given it could do full-on percussion, bass, voices - so, I acquired a few more... SEVEN to be exact.
I created some patches and songs using 7 #Plaits modules - original #mutableinstruments - although the firmware works on real Plaits Clones/DIY modules too.
This one I call "Motoring" - and the video contains full patch notes to describe how I made all the voices work.
OCTAVE MODE in the new Plaits 1.2 Firmware is worth the upgrade!
Here's a 1 minute video on how to access the new Frequency Knob Octave Mode
Sequencing THREE Plaits modules with the new firmware 1.2 in a #eurorack
A 1 minute video on showing some new sounds in action - #ModularSynth